Tuesday, September 23, 2008

little wins

I recently discovered that the fluid course schedule I have been rigidly planning throughout my seminary career is not going to cut it. Instead of being able to walk in May and complete the remaining 3 hours in June, I must complete all credit hours by May in order to be commissioned in my conference as planned. If I even have one hour lacking I will have to wait until next year to go through the tumultuous process, thus putting off my desired goal. This means I have to wedge a 3 hour course in somewhere within two semesters. After a gut check to see if the sacrifice would be worth it, I decided to bite the bullet and added 3 hours to my current fall load. After working so diligently to balance school, family, personal, and conference I seem to have failed. This, I considered to be a devastating blow. A huge failure. I was quite downtrodden to say the least.

However, over the past couple weeks my spirits have been lifted. Praise God for the little wins. I rely on them heavily to get me through the dredging days of accumulated sleeplessness:

Hitting a passionately fought 10 -12 hit ping pong rally and winning as my shot nicks the outside corner of the table just enough to route the ball's trajectory away from my opponent's paddle.

Sitting in the car waiting for Becca to come out of Kroger, have White Zombie's "Thunderkiss '65" come on the radio (which is in itself a win) only to hear Cavender ask from the back seat"turn it a little louder!"

Sinking into Big Red and watching college football on a crisp fall day.

Being able to pick Cavender up from Day Care everyday with Becca.

Holding Becca's hand while walking.

Having someone show interest in me as a church planter.

Having three projects due in a week and completing them on time without pulling an all-nighter.

Hanging out with extended family at Cavender's birthday at Grammie and PawPaw's house in the pasture.

Hearing Cavender belly laugh.

Hearing Becca belly laugh.

Having friends come over and enjoy the bounty of my new Weber.

Getting a nugget from the Word thusly rekindling my excitement to be a pastor.

Enjoying my devotions.

Watching Fetch with Ruff Ruffman. (That's also fun with Cavender, but let's face it, Ruff is funny.)

...fortunately this list is not exhaustive and God has opened my eyes to those many little wins that cover the one loss.